I wish I had the tenacity to carry my camera everywhere, and the tolerance to put up with the brick in my pocket. Unfortunately I don't have either. But if you can put up with my incredibly horrendous picture quality and photo taking, you might appreciate the following.
So picture this. Morning tea at work. A mushroom on a plate. It looked EXACTLY like a button mushroom - white flesh with a dusted dirt cap and black underside.
When I looked closer, it looked like fake foam mushroom. I picked it up.
The dusted cap was cocoa powder, the black underside was chocolate, and the white button mushroom flesh was a cleverly sculpted meringue.
Strangely, this clever little work of art has made my work-day-on-a-long-weekend a little less painful. Enjoy!
(Again sorry for the picture quality - phone cam was best I could do)
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